Ipad Use In School Classrooms

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Using the iPad in school Classroooms The article, “Using the iPad in School Classrooms,” is about the use of the iPad in today’s technologically advanced classrooms. Teachers have to think about teaching in a completely different manner than they were taught simply because the future has arrived. Nowadays, student’s attention spans are not satisfactory for a sit-down textbook lecture style. Teachers have to teach in innovative ways that get the students involved and teachers can now do this through the iPad. In the author of the article simply states, “…before we knew it the hour was up and I was freaking out.” Students can now use technology frightfully easier than a lot of adults today. Students today are being brought up in a culture when technological advancements are happening on a daily basis and students eventually become adaptable to the different changes. One of these changes is the iPad. The iPad is a telephone and a computer all in one little package. A user can do virtually anything on the iPad with the help of apps or applications that all the user to play a game, or learn, or do anything that one desires. Teachers can use this to their advantage when they are trying desperately to get their students involved in learning. The iPad is really expensive starting at $499 (apple.com). Therefore, getting these into all classrooms nowadays is an extremely difficult task but as technology increases in performance and capability, the prices will drop, and the iPad will be in the classrooms of the future. This is a good thing for teachers because teaching will technically get that much easier. However, when will teaching become a job for a machine to do? Soon, teachers will be incompetent for the task at hand. That is when all of these technological advancements get scary because then we will be a people dominated by machines. However, until that time

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