Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Position of the Equilibrium Between Cobalt in Excess Aqueous Chloride Ions

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Investigating the effect of temperature on the position of the equilibrium between cobalt in excess aqueous chloride ions Abdul Rahman Khalifeh Aim To monitor the change of the position of equilibrium between Co2+ (aq) of concentration of 0.3 mol L-1 and Cl- of concentration 3.0 mol L-1 when placed at temperatures of 0°C, 95°C and 25°C. Hypothesis Since this reaction is endothermic, as temperature increases the equilibrium will move to the right according to Le Chatelier’s principle. Water would move the equilibrium to the left and the HCl would move the equilibrium to the right according to Le Chatelier’s principle. Variables Dependent variable(s) | Independent Variable(s) | Controlled Variables | The position of the equilibrium which is monitored by the colour change of the solution | The temperatures of 0°C, 25°C and 95°C. at which the reaction takes place | Same concentration of aqueous chloride ions (3.0 mol L-1) | | | 6 test tubes of the same size, shape and volume. | | | Same concentration of aqueous cobalt ions (0.3 mol L-1) | | | The same digital balance to 4 significant figures after the decimal point in order to have the same uncertainty for all measurements taken | | | The same of solution in all cases | Apparatus Glass | Chemicals | Equipment | (3)Test tube | 600 g of Ice | Goggles | (3)50 cm3 Beaker | 30.0000 g of CoCl2.6H2O | Test tube holder | Graduated cylinder- 100 cm3 | Concentrated HCl | Digital balance to 4 significant figures | Conical Flask – 100cm3 | | Bunsen burner | | | Thermometer | Method for the Control of Variables In order to obtain the perfect control of variables we must control all other factors affecting the position of the equilibrium. Hence the concentration of aqueous chloride ions and aqueous cobalt ions must be fixed and this can be done by measuring the mass of

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