Interpersonal Relations and Education

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Running Head: INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND EDUCATION 1. Interpersonal Relations and Education Charles M. Galloway Department of Curriculum and Foundations Editor, Theory into Practice The Ohio State University Summary By INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND EDUCATION 2. This article discusses the universal individual need to be recognized as a person, to be accepted by others, and to successfully interact with others in school and community endeavors. The article begins by discussing that school systems are divided within themselves. Boards of education banter with administrators and oppose the practice of the school system; teachers have been tutored by their professional associations to distrust principals; parents blame teachers and disassociate themselves from the school; students learn to disrespect teachers; superintendents can be fired at a moment’s notice and teachers can strike against the school system at the drop of a hat. Even though these are negative occurrences, they all reflect a common characteristic, which is there has rarely been a personal attack on a single individual. It is group against group. The article uses examples to explain whether that it is team play or institutional achievement, the organization comes first, the individual second. The author hypothesizes that when person-to-person contacts within organizations are rich and fully developed, groups could never get away with such impersonal dealings that go on in the school system. Today’s challenge is the relationship of the person to person. How do we let another person know that personal identity has value? That individual lives are the essence of our society’s purpose? Recognizing the value of another person is the first requirement for undercutting impersonal routine influences. When

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