International Trade Simulation

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In the simulation for International Trade of Rodamia, I am the Trade Representative of the government of Rodamia. As chief advisor, negotiator and spokesperson on international trade and investment issues my job is to advise the President with recommendations for trade. The simulation provides some of the reasons that international trade may be necessary, the opportunity to explore which products to import and export as well as when to impose restrictions such as tariffs or quotas, or negotiate trade agreements. International trade has its advantages as well as limitations. Absolute advantage and comparative advantage plays a role in international trade. There are also certain factors that will inevitable affect the foreign exchange rate.…show more content…
In simulation, the country of Suntize has absolute advantage in producing watches. Suntize produces 5 units of watches while Rodamia produces 3 units using the same resource of 2 units of DVD players. A country has absolute advantage when it can produce more goods or services using fewer resources. Comparative advantage is defined as the ability to produce a good or service as lower cost compared to another country. A country that can produce goods by using resources that it has more of has the comparative advantage. In simulation, Rodamia had the comparative advantage when producing cheese. Comparative advantage is the basis for international trade. By producing and exporting products in which a country like Rodamia has a comparative advantage and importing products from countries that have a comparative advantage in producing them, all countries gain from international trade. Comparative advantage can arise from many factors such as natural resources, availability and relative efficiency of factors of production. The comparative advantage changes over time with technology, population increases, varying quality of products or…show more content…
In determining which goods to import from which country and which goods to export, I encountered some of the advantages and some limitations of the international trade. According to the theory of comparative advantage, a country should specialize in the production and export of commodities that it can produce at a lower opportunity cost than other countries while it should import commodities that are produced at a lower opportunity cost than other countries. Limitations such as imposing a quota or tariff can raise the price of products and lead to a loss in consumer surplus or cause retaliation from the country therefore reducing the goods a country is able to export. There are factors that influence the foreign exchange rate which also has an impact on a country’s importing and exporting. Regardless of these things, international trade is important to a countries
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