Internal Conflict In Macbeth

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In the play script, “Macbeth” written by William Shakespeare, the idea of internal conflict is clearly presented through the main protagonist, Macbeth. In the text, Macbeth, a highly recognized general, strives blindly in attempt to achieve power, driven by his “vaulting ambition.” Throughout the text, Macbeth faces internal conflict and insecurity as he slowly follows a path of corruption. Shakespeare uses Macbeth’s internal conflict to explore the theme; “absolute power corrupts absolutely” after hearing the witches’ prophecy, after the murder of Duncan and after the murder of Banquo. The first example of Macbeth’s internal conflict was when he encountered the weird sisters. Their manipulative characters was used by Shakespeare when they…show more content…
Banquo illustrated Macbeth’s subconscious belief that he was an undeserved kin, for he has played “foully.” Shakespeare uses Macbeth’s conscience to show how even the idea of power can be strongly manifested in someone’s mind and slowly corrupt any existence of principles and integrity, once again emphasizing the idea that “absolute power corrupts absolutely. “Another example of Shakespeare using Macbeth’s internal conflict to depict the theme, “absolute power corrupts absolutely” was after Duncan’s regicide. After hearing the witches’ prophecy, Macbeth contemplates on committing regicide on the King but once again his conscience constricts him from doing so. However, he is clearly vacillating with the thought of murder when he says, “if chance will have me king, why chance may crown me without stir. His inner conflict is shown explicitly in act 1, scene 7 when he weighs not only the detrimental political consequences of the murder but also the moral values involved. Here, his inner conflict rises from Duncan’s trust of him. He says, “He is here in double trust. First as I

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