Insanity Defense Definition

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Insanity Defense By definition insanity is a deranged state of the mind usually occurring as a specific disorder, such as schizophrenia. Another definition would include such unsoundness of mind or lack of understanding as prevents one from having the mental capacity required by law to enter into a particular relationship, status, or transaction or as removes one from criminal or civil responsibility. Yet, descriptive it really doesn’t answer the questions what is insanity and who defines what it is nor who is insane. Insanity by society’s general public would say that it’s a person being in the act of crazy or madness; but, who really gets to answer this question of insanity. Often times more than not someone walks into court attempting to plead by way of insanity. This is where the question is always asked “who do you get to define insanity.” It is defined in the court of law as a person who is insane cannot have the intent required to perform a criminal act because they either do not know that act is wrong or cannot control their actions even when they understand the act is wrong. However, the definition of insanity is still being debated outside the courts as well as inside the…show more content…
It is important to note that "insanity" is a legal term, not a psychological one, and experts disagree whether it has valid psychological meaning. One problem with discussing the insanity defense is that there are 51 types of insanity defense in the United States—one for each set of state laws, and one for federal law. While rates vary from state to state, on average less than one defendant in 100—0.85 percent— actually raises the insanity defense nationwide. In some studies as many as 70 percent of defendants withdraw their plea; in a result, of a state appointed expert found them to be legally
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