Infertility Case Study

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Consider the following scenario: It’s a sunny Sunday morning for the two couples named, James and Lucille & John and Maxine. As they begin with their newly weds life, both couples decided to start their own families. Lucille is already 3 weeks pregnant, while Maxine is having a problem on that. John and Maxine went to the doctor immediately to find out what is really their problem on conceiving a child. And particularly who is having a problem between them? Is it on John? Or is it on Maxine? Or is there any arising problem regardless of that, that cause Maxine not to conceive a child? Many questions that would be answered clearly and smoothly with the help of our advanced science & technology. When they went to the doctor, the doctor prefer…show more content…
That paper characterizes about the study of women's experiences of infertility 2 years after the term of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, which represents the end of infertility treatment in Swedish society. Giorgi's method was used, based on Husserl's phenomenology with the lifeworld theory. At the Clinic of Reproductive Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Göteborg, Sweden eight women were evaluated. Data were generated from transcriptions of taped interviews. Five constituents appeared from the analysis: 1st is that the infertility is a central issue in life, 2nd is the IVF is a positive and important part of life, 3rd one is the contact with other people is not an important issue, 4th is the hope of achieving pregnancy still exists and last but not the least attempts to identify other central issues in life. ‘Life-grief’ indicates the grief of being infertile, of not reproducing, and being unable to confirm one's relationship through parenthood is the essence of all constituents. It’s result is important in professional caring and presents a challenge to all nurses, doctors, midwives, physicians and other staff who are involved in the care of involuntarily childless female. (Johansson& Berg, 2005) As we can see, in a mother’s point of view, the feeling of the mother is more painful, if it is not successful, than the father’s. Because she is the one who will carry it for 9 months. She is the one who will conceive the said baby. Meanwhile, the caring, loving and understanding side of the families, relatives, friends, doctors, midwives, nurses, and others who are just around the environment of the IVF parents is necessary for the fast recovery of the IVF
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