Inequality and Crime

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Explanations as to the characteristics of criminality are plentiful and often point to a variety of influencing factors (Weatherburn, 2001). This essay uses conflict theory to examine the role of economic inequality in increasing an individual’s tendency to commit crime. White collar crime will be investigated as an example of crimes committed by rich offenders and survival crimes will be related to poor offenders. The image of a criminal is portrayed as a stereotype and is generally associated with the lower classes; white collar crime challenges this stereotype. Finally, it is concluded that conflict theory contributes to the understanding of why individuals both rich and poor engage in crime. Wealthy individuals such as those in high managerial positions tend to commit white collar crimes (Bessant & Watts, 2007; Cressey, 1986; Croall, 2001). Crimes of this nature involve fraud, environmental crimes, and occupational health and safety breaches, such crimes can result in economic and societal instability (Cressey, 1986; Croall, 2001). Instability affects society as a whole by prompting funding declines in sectors such as education, health and welfare. This decline in resources ultimately causes conflict within the institution and society more broadly (Anthony & Cunneen, 2008; Croall, 2001). White collar crime is often motivated by power, greed and individualistic capitalist ideals (Anthony & Cunneen, 2008; Bessant & Watts, 2007; Cressey, 1986; Croall, 2001; Piff, Stancato, Cote, Mendoza-Denton, & Keltner. 2012). Conflict theorists believe society to be divided into different classes based on wealth and status (Anthony & Cunneen, 2008; Bessant & Watts, 2007; Burke, 2001). Those of the upper class are the capitalists whom rule over the lower classes. This is done by means of establishing laws that disadvantage the poor and benefit the
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