Individual Health Needs

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Individual Health Needs Assignment

This assignment will examine the individual health needs of a client I have cared for in practice, from a holistic point of view and will be using a nursing model and relating it to my client.

Mr X is 53 years old and lives with his wife and daughter in a small house. Mr X has had epilepsy, from the age of seventeen and has been on medication since then. Mr X has a poor diet and is obese.

Mr X has been admitted to hospital with an increase of ‘Grand Mal’ seizures. This means that the muscles become more rigid, which may result in the client falling to the ground (The National Society for Epilepsy 2002). During the seizure the client may bite their tongue and become incontinent of urine. After the seizure the client may become tired, confused and may suffer from a headache (The National Society for Epilepsy 2002). Mr X needs investigations in hospital to find the cause of his increasing seizures. His past medical history includes admissions into hospital with epilepsy and urinary tract infections. As Mr X has been bedbound for the past four weeks he is starting to develop pressure sores on his sacrum due to his reduced mobility (Baillie 2005). Mr X has a temperature of 37.9 which is above average and is showing signs of infection. Since being admitted Mr X has lost 10lbs in weight.

The Nursing model I will be using to study Mr X’s health needs is The Activities of Daily Living by Roper et al (1996 cited in Holland et al 2005). There are 12 activities in this model:

• Maintaining a safe environment – This is an important factor as it involves the prevention of accidents this may include driving (this is particularly relevant for Mr X due to his epilepsy) and in the home (Roper et al 1996). In a healthcare setting it is essential to provide a safe environment for patients particularly patients such as Mr X who are

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