India - English Language in India

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India India has so much history, it's hard to know where to start. There has been found remains of the anatomically modern human in India from approximately 30,000 years ago, so we know there's a lot to tell if everything was to be said. ' India has a long history of being invaded and colonized. Already as early as 400 years B.C. the Maurya Empire started uniting whole of south Asia. ' In the 10th and 11th centuries, Turks and Afghans invaded India and established the Delhi Sultanate (a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties). These five short-lived dynasties lasted from the 10th century until the 16th when Emperor BABUR established the Mughal Dynasty. Also what happened in the 16th century was that European explorers started establishing footholds in India. ' And by the early 18th century a number of European trading companies including the English East India Company, had established coastal outposts in India. Since the East India Company had such power and wealth, great military training and modern technology at the time, the Indian Elite found them interesting and helped them out. That's how they gained control over the Bengal region by 1765. The other companies no longer had a chance keeping up with the East India Company since they had gained access to all of Bengal's riches. Their army increased in strength and size fast and by the 1820s the company had control over most of India. India which had exported their manufactured goods for centuries now where forced to supply the British empire with their raw materials instead. Step by step the Company consciously started entering arenas such as education, social reform and culture. This is when English really started in India. Early 1800's they started building primary schools for Indians in their local language, but later on they built high schools and universities with the lessons in
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