Indentured Servitude and Slavery.

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Andre Oliva Over the course of colonial and American history, the use of slavery became a huge driving force in the agricultural prosperity of the southern part of the English Colonial territories, which eventually spread out to the rest of the English territories over time. Unbeknownst to most, indentured servitude was the system that laid the foundation for the lucrative slave system – So why was it phased out in favor of slavery? Indentured servants were people that couldn’t afford the trip over to the new world, instead choosing to pay the price of the voyage with labor. Once they paid off their debt, servants were able to leave, get a small farm of their own, and grow their own crops for a living- Because of this the amount of indentured servant’s available dwindled, making the small amount of indentured servants too expensive to buy. African slaves on the other hand, were very available according to records from the “Estimated Immigration into the thirteen colonies and the United States…1607-1819” statistical table- There were 33,200 slaves available in the years 1607-1699, and 278,400 slaves available 1776-1809- An increase of 245,200 slaves. Bacon’s Rebellion played a large role in the transition from the use of indentured servitude in favor of the African Slave Labor System. Nathaniel Bacon led thousands of impoverished, discontented freemen and indentured, who deeply resented Governor Berkeley’s policies, in a revolt which resulted in the razing of Indian villages, and the deaths of many. His rebellion had failed, but had ignited the unhappiness of the former indentured servants- Paranoid of the indentured servants turning against them, powerful tobacco lords looked to Africa for slave labor, in favor of indentured servants. In addition to the fair price of African slaves, they were really good workers and also skilled in growing staple crops from

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