Inclusion in Schools

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Helping students with cerebral palsy to succeed in the regular classroom is possible. Try some or all of the following suggestions. 1. Prepare classmates for the arrival of a student with cerebral palsy. 2. Teach students about any special equipment that the student might be using, and insure that others do not play with it. 3. Assign classroom buddies to help. 4. Create classroom layout that does not hinder mobility with a wheelchair. 5. Make sure floor is clean and free from rugs or elevated surfaces that may cause child to trip. 6. Use antibacterial cleaners, and keep students with illnesses away from child with cerebral palsy. 7. Make accommodations such as allowing extra time to complete assignments. 8. Work on verbal communication skills using role playing activities. 9. Only offer help to student if asked. 10. Invent ways of communication if mobility is severely impaired, such as alternatives to raising hands. 11. Secure any necessary special adaptive tools such as pencil grips, and slanted writing surfaces. 12. Make sure that student is being included in social parties, gatherings, and other group activities. 13. Allow student to stretch and be as mobile as possible during class. 14. 15. Place the student near exits if possible, and take the appropriate steps if the child is also hearing impaired or has low vision. 16. I. Students with visual impairments have unique educational needs which are most effectively met using a team approach of professionals, parents and students. In order to meet their unique needs, students must have specialized services, books and materials in appropriate media (including braille), as well as specialized equipment and technology to assure equal access to the core and specialized curricula, and to enable them to most effectively compete with their peers in school and ultimately in society. 17. II. There must be
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