In What Ways Is Edmund a Machiavel?

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In What Ways Is Edmund a Machiavel? “The end goal of remaining in power and governing properly justifies any means (violent of not) used to reach that end.” This is a quote from Niccolo Machiavelli, the father of Machiavelism. In Shakespeare’s King Lear the character of Edmund is interesting as he posses many features that of a Machiavel, however there are certain traits and events that occur that would suggest otherwise. The first thing to know is that Edmund is the illegitimate son of the ‘Duke of Kent’. An interesting insight into the character of Edmund is the fact that his father goes out of his way to let the audience know that he is a bastard; ‘though this knave came something saucily into the world before he was called for, yet was his mother fair; there was good sport at his making, and the whoreson must be acknowledged.’ The fact that his “noble” father decides to pay for the mistake he made by keeping Edmund is rather unsettling. It is common knowledge that ‘bastards’ at this time had no rights to any family possessions and where more or less banished from society as it was seen that they had no legitimate rights. It is therefore possible to say that Edmund is born a Machiavel due the fact that he is a bastard. To be a true Machiavel, you must posses the ‘Dark Triad’ a group of three personality traits. The first is the Machiavellian personality, which is characterised by the ‘manipulation and exploitation of others’. The second, is a narcissistic personality in which the character posses a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and egotism. The final one is, psychopathy in which the person is seen as ‘impulsively thrill seeking’.However, as later explained Edmund does not posses the entirety of these characteristics, only certain elements. What motivates Edmund to bring out these characteristics of a Machiavel? The fact that his father is

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