In-House Accounting Doomsday Mistakes

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Michael Royston Bus-110 MWF Accounting Essay 3-26-2012 In-House Accounting Doomsday Mistakes Running a business by yourself can be hard, especially when you opt to take the full responsibilities of owning or starting a company. One of these responsibilities is accounting, which can be the death of a company if done wrong. Here are some accounting mistakes that can pull you and your business six feet under. The first mistake is having insufficient software. When you decide to take the path of in-house accounting, accounting software is vital to your company’s survival because your business does not have an accountant. This way, you can be sure everything is backed up and correct. This also applies to the second mistake which is inconsistencies. Keeping up with the books can be a stressful. To make sure you do not have to play catch up later and risk making a mistake, take an hour a week to go back over the numbers and make sure your books are correct. Missing payments is another way to hurt your business. Nobody wants to do business with a company who doesn’t pay bills on time or at all. If you can make sure your bills and other debts are paid then your reputation is likely to be a good one. This is also a good example of why business owners should keep a separate checking account for their business. Keeping your money and the businesses money together is a recipe for disaster. When you separate the two, your record keeping and tax accountability becomes more simplistic to keep up with. These are all honest and easy mistakes to make, but the more prepared you are, the less room you will create for mistakes like these to happen. Accounting is no easy task so you must remember that an accountant will have years of education on that one subject. So if you decide to keep everything in-house, doing it yourself, then remember to keep these
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