Imprisoned In Space: Monologue

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Imprisoned in Space A Monologue Before The Astronaut starts talking the lighting slowly brightens from darkness to a dim, cool lighting. The Astronaut is sitting on a rock in the middle of the stage. He is quite tall, dark haired and wearing a space suit. To the left of the Astronaut is a crashed rocket ship. The Astronaut looks up and begins to speak. The tone of his voice is dull and has no emphasis. His body is bent over, heavy with despair. Astronaut: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to leave this planet. I’ve been here for so long. Nothing is going to work. I swear I’ve tried everything. Everything, everything! I’ve lost radio contact with headquarters, and I’ve even tried rebooting the ship’s ignition system, it’s hopeless. Nothing on that ship will make it take off again. I’ll never get back to Earth. How I got here, well that’s another story... He pauses, the lighting changes to be more bright and pleasant. It was a clear, cold night on Earth – Full Moon. I was sitting in the passenger seat of the space craft. This was it. The rush of excitement and adventure filled me. That feeling of happiness and pride. The feeling of not knowing what the journey would hold. Five minutes until take-off I was entirely focused on the journey. I was ready. After years of preparation and long periods of training. Sure, it was an emotional rollercoaster: the thrill of being one of the few men who had travelled to space rushed through me body and made my nerves tingle with excitement. On the other hand I experienced fear, uncertainty, and the unknown weighed heavy on my mind. The astronaut stands up and moves, pacing around the stage, excited thrilled.There are more emphasis in his words and his movements are more exaggerated and his words are more pronounced. “5…4…3…2…1… lift off” the mission control had given the command. We were off. I could feel the

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