Importance Of Women's Suffragettes

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Votes for women essay British women were granted the vote on February 6th 1918 providing they were: at least 30 years old, householders or married to householders. Women had campaigned for the vote for over sixty years by women suffrage groups and by 1914 women’s suffrage was a major political issue. Out of the 56 groups that campaigned for women’s suffrage , 2 were the main national bodies. They were the more political Suffragists (NUWSS) and the more militant Suffragettes (WSPU). Other factors that could be considered to the granting of votes for women are: the impact of women’s contribution in World War 1Political changes…show more content…
Many people soon began to admire the patriotism of these women who had been denied equality for so long by a large proportion of the country now wanted to help maintain the same country. Women began to take a major role in a wide range of industries including Munitions, Hospitals and farm land. They also took over industries that had been male dominated before the war including the police with the creation of the Women Police Volunteers and shipbuilding due to dilution. Women also were able to enter the armed forces due to the creation of the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps. This amount of enthusiasm and energy women showed at work changed male attitude towards them and many realised these women were perfectly capable of being able to vote. The historian John Ray believes that WWI helped the decision to grant women the vote as “Women proved by their work that they deserved the vote equally with men.” And that “their war efforts succeeded where the suffragette campaign had failed”. However some believe that the great war in fact slowed the process of getting votes for women as before the breakout of war it looked like women were going to be granted the vote when Henry Asquith agreed to allow all suffragettes in prison to be released and arranged a meeting between the…show more content…
The existing franchise laws excluded soldiers from voting due to their lack of a long term residence. And due to the courage shown by the men during the war politicians knew this would have to change and if they changed the law they must include women as they worked very hard in the war to. Politicians knew that women worked very hard during the war and they grew in admiration for them this helped decision to grant women the vote as ultimately it was the MPs who could actually change the law. The resignation of Prime Minister Asquith also helped as the new PM, Lloyd George, was in favour of given the women the franchise. Under Lloyd George the coalition government removed the divisions among parties and encouraged co-operation which made MPs feel that if they did vote yes not all women would vote for the same party through gratitude and so many agreed to vote yes for women’s
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