Importance Of Magazine

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The importance of Magazine i realized out of reading newspapers, books, watching tv, listening to the raido, and being on the computer; reading magazines is what i spend most of my time on. For me magazines offer so much information and contain many articles that interest me and even help me with solving problems of my own life. I cannot remember one magazine that i read where i did not learn something;The more society is developed the more means of communication are required. Among means of communication, magazines play an important role in our lives. Firstly, magazines supply us with a variety of news every day. They keep us informed of the political situation of the world. By news magazines we can know what is happening in our country as well as in the world at large. Secondly, magazines contribute a great deal to the development of our knowledge. Thanks to magazines, our mind and point of view are enriched. When reading them we can train our reasoning power. Thirdly, through magazines reading, we can find out what we need to know: a job in the situations vacant column, an object we want to buy in the advertising page, Fourthly, the Police Magazines help us take precautious against social evils such as theft, murder, robbery, Fifthly, we can improve our English language by and magazines written in English. This enables us to broaden our knowledge of English in every aspect. In conclusion, well-grounded and best-selling magazines are worth reading. They are the mouthpiece of the nation and the unseen advisers of the common
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