Immigration Reform Pros And Cons

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We Are All The Same America is a nation that was built on immigration. Many people come here from other countries both legally and illegally and it has never been a major concern until now. Why is it that Cubans can come here illegally and be allowed to stay in the country if they reach American soil, but others can not? The Statue of Liberty says, "Give me your tired, your hungry, your weak, your poor..." It is not fair that we are so ready to cast out people who seek to better themselves by hard work for little pay even if the only law they have broken is to enter into a country without government approval. There are many reasons why we should support immigration reform such as: immigration is good for the economy, immigrants already pay taxes, everyone deserves equal rights, it strengthens families, and it can stop racial profiling. Many of us can say we are children of immigrants. Either our great grandparents, grandparents, or even parents came to America for a better life. Today, we find that immigration is not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered…show more content…
Many people migrate from their own country to the US because they seek better opportunities, freedom, and rights, not to take jobs from the US citizens, like many people assume. Almost half of Mexico’s population lives in poverty, which is one of the major factors for why mexicans migrate. They wish to provide for their family and for some, the only way of doing that is coming to the US to have a chance. After all, America is suppose to be “The Land of Opportunity”. According to the Human Rights Watch World Report 2013, there are also some human rights that are being violated in Mexico. One of them is the criminal justice system which fails to fight for human rights due to corruption. This a another reason why people want to come to the United

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