Imaginative Diary Entries Concerning the Apartheid in South Africa

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Diary entries: Extracts from Yolandi Visser during the Apartheid era 23rd of July 1950 6:03pm It is late and all I can hear are the echoes of my mother weeping in her room. It has been like this for countless nights, her sorrow travelling through the thin walls with my younger sister, of 9 years, by my side beckoning me to sleep, growing tiresome of my silence. A year has passed, the year that passed the Apartheid, meaning apartness, a racial segregation where bantus (blacks) are essentially isolated from white dominated communities for the most part… The prohibition of Mixed Marriage has effectively divided my family and I am no longer welcomed by the presence of my dad that has raised me for the last 15 years. I will never be able to comprehend this law, the Apartheid in general, this immoral decision made by the government. Mother, Amber and I are forced to live in separate residencies, prohibited from using “white” public facilities or receiving an education from our previous school due to being classified as “ coloured”. An outcome of having a white father and a black mother. Any sign of true happiness has disintegrated. I can tell by my mother’s face, her movements, that she is not happy. She is simply clinging on any menial happiness she can grasp from us, deluding herself… although she does her best to reassure us, I know she has grown to become deeply depressed due to the separation of father to us. But who could blame her? It has been a year since the last time anyone has seen him, the only communication being through letters… separated upon the basis of classifications, by “ race” 9 September 1950 2:00Am Today I was blessed with the sight of my father. How long had it been since I saw him? I wondered if he missed us as much as we missed him, but feelings were shown to be mutual when my mother and Amber approached him too. I felt whole again.

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