Illiteracy In Egypt

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Illiteracy can be defined as the inability of reading and writing. And a person is considered illiterate if he reach his fifteenth year and he can not read or write. Statistics shows that quarter of all Egyptians are illiterate, for many causes, which have many negative effects on Egyptian society and Egyptian progress. Economic causes lead many people in Egypt to be illiterate. Poverty which can be considered the most important economic cause is the reason behind finding many uneducated people. Poverty is often accompanied by large number of family members, not enough food, very few jobs, as a result the father sends his children to help him in work and he does not send them to school. Another economic reason is the lack of budget directed to the education in Egypt. Unlike other developed countries, education is not supported by the government. Besides economical causes, there are cultural causes which deal with the beliefs and values of people, their way of thinking, and the conditions that led to all this. Rural areas in Egypt are considered highly-conservative community in which the whole priorities are given to boys rather than girls. Hence, girls there are deprived from the right of being educated. Additionally, many people in Egypt are not aware of the importance of education for themselves as individuals, and for the progress of their country. Cultural causes can extend to reach some education problems. One of these problems is the dropouts. Statistics show that 30 % of the dropouts who stay away from school for a long period eventually become illiterate. Another one is the insufficient education, which can be considered a new concept of illiteracy. This concept is related to a wide category of people who have a huge gab between theoretical education and practice. Some political reasons also have a role in the increase of percent of illiteracy in Egypt.

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