Ill Effects of Dictatorship

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But the most important attribute of democracy is that everyone is treated equally before the law, irrespective of caste, creed or sex. Everyone is entitled to freedom of speech, worship, occupation and to move through out the country. The dignity of man is recognized and respected, people are given ample opportunities to become strong and self reliant. For this and many other reasons democracy is more advantageous than other forms of government and best reflects the will of the people in the governance of the country. In both monarchy and dictatorship, the ruler-individual or group-wields absolute power and people have no remedy against its misuse. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Their is no individual freedom, freedom of speech or expression. In today’s world, democracy is considered to be the best form of government, reason being that people are treated equally and have full rights to live a life of their liking. Unlike in a dictatorship, where people are treated like cattle and are expected to simply obey and follow the government, democracy contributes to development of the individuals as well as the society. Dictatorship has many wrongs such as there is ruthless oppression of people or there might be flawed decision making, which may ultimately lead the country towards ruin. Looking at these disadvantages of democracy, many dictatorships today are contemplating to become democracies in future. Dictatorship is an enemy of international peace. Dictators almost start on a mad career of military conquests and territorial expansion, which results in war. Dictatorship means the crushing of individual liberty and the suppression of human personality, violence at home and unashamed aggression abroad. On the other hand, democracy loves peace because it is based on peoples consent. Disagreement with the government is regarded as a sin in dictatorship and
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