Ielts Essay: 1) Older People Think the World Was a Better Place When They Were Young. Do You Agree or Disagree? Give Your Opinion

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1) Older people think the world was a better place when they were young. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion It is irrefutable that world of early centuries was better place to live than today’s modern world. Many arguments surround my opinion. First of all today whole world is heading toward the doom because of the dire Global Warning problem. Increasing population and pollution are the main reason behind this situation. This has many detrimental effects on human as well on animal health. Demand of homes increased significantly because of which land is becoming scarce. Growing traffic is another dire problem of today’s world because of which pollution is increasing exorbitantly. Level of drinking water has enormously fallen down because of the modern agricultural technique and industrialization. However the epoch when elderly people were young was totally different, there were not any such problems like pollution and traffic. They were used to spend lot of time with their family and friends, which is very difficult today to spare some time for family. This in turns increased strain in family relationship. Moreover Today’s young generation just ignoring the cultural values. For instance, in the country like India who have reach cultural heritage, young population is thinking that its culture is obsolete and they are adapting the western culture. But they are forgetting the fact that diversity is imperative in order to present our-self different from other. On the other hand I agree to the fact that today we have many advanced technologies like Computer, Internet, mobile phones etc. which has improved our lifestyle and made many difficult things easy. For example Internet and mobile phone has made communication very easy and fast. Improvement in medical science has increased the human life. To put in a nutshell, I pen down by saying that, even though

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