Idiot America Analysis

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Elliot Park 1.13.12 AP Government Idiot America America was created on intellectual curiosity by the founding fathers. Intellects is what aided America to break away from the British. Our country was built on great minds and thinkers, but what about America today? Since intellects was what we were built on, where do we stand on intellects as a country? Well we can look at are scores compared to the other countries in the world, and our worldwide comparison for math scores has us, America, at number 25. Well what about our economy? We will let our 16 trillion dollar debt do the talking for that. Then on top of those two things, all America can think about is the glamour life and American Idol. Many Americans wanna strut in Beverly Hills rather…show more content…
The constitution has led Americans to success, but Pierce informs his audience that there are “three Great Premises of Idiot America” that are controlling Americans today. The first great premise is that “any theory is valid if it sells books, soaks up ratings, or otherwise moves units.” Money has been the focal point for Americans for a long time and base success off of it. This idea of money has put things on pedestals because of the money they have been able to produce. This premise might seem a little absurd, but there are many examples that make it valid. Many examples come from the entertainment side where if a movie makes a lot in the box office then it is a good movie, if a book gets off the shelves quickly then it is a good book, or if an album gets sales then it is a good album. However the entertainment side is not the only thing this pertains to, if an idea or a quick scam, like a shake weight, gets a roll on some sales then people start buying more and more thinking that it is a genius idea. This is how America come to believe things, if it makes money, sells quickly, or widely popular, then it must be…show more content…
It has made people crazy. Pierce acknowledges that through a joke, “America's always been a great place to be crazy. It just used to be harder to make a living that way.” This has led to the poor economy, and with the poor economy, people tend to take sides against each other. “We’ve chosen up sides on everything,” Pierce asserts, “fashioning our public lives as though we were making up a fantasy baseball team.” This “civil war” almost always boils down to a clash between intellect and feeling, or what Mr. Pierce labels the Gut. “The Gut is a moron, as anyone who’s ever tossed a golf club, punched a wall, or kicked a lawn mower knows,” he writes. “The Gut is the roiling repository of dark and ancient fears.” Americans need to start forming together and start using their brains rather than fight against each other and use their
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