Identify Standards That Influence the Way Adult Social Care Job Roles Are Carried Out

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Important of Reflections Reflecting on my own practice is important because it allows me to assess what i am doing well, identify areas where you might like or may need more training or guidance in to ensure am performing to the best and meeting all standards and expectations within the care setting. It also helps me to think about what I am doing in the setting and always be aware of how I am working with others. Reflecting on my work practice can enhance and improve my confidence and self-esteem because I can look at what I am doing well, the things I have learnt and achieved and feel good about myself especially if I have been able to do something with ease which I use to find it difficult to do in the past, if I have been able to do something that I have never tried it before. This then gives me confidence to continue to work well and aim to try new things or use what new skills or knowledge I have gained in my care practices. Reflecting on my activities can help me learn from other people’s strategies. Reflections also helps me to find my weakness and strengths so that I can develop and improve on them. Reflecting on myself is a complex activity that requires the individual to develop a set skills. When I reflect I stand back and think of situation or problem, gain a new perspective of something and make sense of my experience and construct meaning and knowledge that direct actions in practice. I use evidence to help me to decide on any decisions I make. I use diaries and notes to help me decide on decisions I

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