Icelt Task 1.3 Learners Written Language

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I. Introduction. The writing process is one of the most challenging skills when learning any language as it triggers a complex thinking process in which transferring information from one language to another could result exhausting for learners. Thus, the lack of vocabulary may result frustrating the learners as they are not able to accurately express their thoughts, which ultimately is the objective of writing: To express our thoughts and information in a clear and understandable way, in order to make them understandable for other people. It is a strong responsibility for the teacher to assess the learner at improving this skill while learning, as it is natural that mistakes lead us to develop our language ability gradually; That is why, We as teachers should be very careful when correcting, as it could be very dispiriting to get a piece of written work back covered with marks everywhere which can create a visual impact that discourages anyone. In the following pages you will find a piece of work of two students of different levels and the way I made the necessary corrections and recommendations to learners. II. Basic Learner a) Task Profile During the last couple of weeks, we have been practicing the correct identification / capitalization of nouns –Common and Proper- along with prepositions with the objective of using them to describe things correctly while writing. The task I asked the learners was to write a simple composition describing themselves by writing simple things like their age, their likes and dislikes as well as their personal interests; This sample was chosen from that activity done during the class. b) Student Profile The student is among the standard level within the class. She is 8 years old and is now learning in fourth grade, her English level is A2 or Elementary. She has a good sense in using language as her interest towards music
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