Hunger Artist By R. Crumb

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******************************************************************************* A Hunger Artist by R. Crumb There are many stories written by Franz Kafka; there are even more comics drawn by Robert Crumb. But it is a book “Introducing Kafka” that combined these unique talents and made it easier to perceive some of Kafka-created visual impressions. “Introducing Kafka” was written by David Zane Mairowitz and illustrated by Robert Crumb. “A Hunger Artist” is a short story written by Kafka that was included in this book. The book was given a new title later – it became “Crumb’s Kafka”, and new title reflected its content better. There was not only a biography and facts and stories, but pictures, too. And those pictures made all stories much more impressive thus making Crumb more famous than Mairowitz when it comes to “Introducing Kafka”. [Be sure to properly punctuate book titles.][Periods typically are placed inside quotation marks.] The short story “A Hunger Artist” (Ein Hungerkünstler) is about a strange artist – he is a master of starving. He is admired and respected, and his public starving attracts attention of people. He is obsessed with his profession and proud of it. He and his impresario tour through Europe with “thrilling performances” (Garrison, 1981) and gather crowds of people who want to look at the person who can fast forty days (Mairowitz, Crumb, 2007, p.144-145). Usually, impresario pays several people to keep watch over starving artist. But the artist himself feels insulted when watchers or guards doubt his honesty and ability to starve. He wants his fast to last longer than forty days, but public interest wanes after thus very term. After forty days his impresario organizes a great ceremony and the artist is literally withdrawn from his cage and spoon-fed some meager light dinner. An orchestra plays loud music and people are told

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