Humans And Space Exploration In The 21 Century

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I always was curious about space and today I wonder if i will still be alive when we reach mars or colonize the moon. It seems like we have been in space for a while now ever since 41 years ago when NASA sent astronauts on to the moon in 1969 but I know this is only the beginning of space exploration for humans. I know that even 100 years from now when most of us reading this we not be alive we wont be exploring space like the way it is conveyed in movies anytime soon even in the next 200 years I assume. I do know though by 200 years in the future we humans should have the technology and intelligence to explore our solar system such as Saturn's moons like Europa and answer the old question of weather their actually is life under its surface and if their is life in our solar system other than on earth. I would only wonder that by the 26th century that humans as a race would be vary advanced in space exploration and would be exploring deep into space to look for other planets and solar systems and possible other life in the universe. I our life anyone now a days wont be able to see this or really know the unfolding history that will lead up to the days of this but what really matters is what happens in the 21st century which is now. I think in my life time and other people life time we will get to see commercial space flights or transportation around the world or even to the moon which will change the way we travel and move supplies. Moving large cargo ships across the oceans to nations ports will be a thing of the past and thought to be a waste of time and resources. The moon is my first guess in humans steps to space exploration and colonizing mars and other planets. what I hope to see is the colonization of the moon and mars in my life time. I really think this is what will happen because we have been in the space race for about 50 years. In 1961 a Russian astronaut

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