Humanful Human Activities

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Harmful human activities Have you ever seen the history of your own country? How does it look like? Is it full of high buildings and crowded with people? When I was studying history, I discovered that my hometowns are only small fishing villages with ships. There are none high buildings nor gorgeous houses. However, during time past, it changed a lot. As technology and human beings are growing faster and faster, more human activities occurred. Although the human activities help people a lot, it’s affect the earth. Is it harmful for people or not? I would like to discuss about how human activities affect the earth: industrialization, deforestation, and rubbish. The biggest thing that harm to the earth is industries. More and more countries are improving themselves to be an industrialized country, in order to help their countries to enhance economic. Therefore they build industries in their countries and they helped their own country a lot. However, did they know about how industries affect people’s life? Industries release a lot of exhausted gases that harm for people. Such as carbon dioxide, CFCs (usually it releases from air-conditioners). As people live in those countries, they easily get sick. Moreover, they absorb too much exhausted gases into their body. Finally, they will easily get lung cancer. Not only affect people, also the atmosphere. The atmosphere has already been broken a hole by human activities in few years ago. It’s because people’s technology are grown faster and faster, more activities were happened. As a result, more harmful gases released to destroy the atmosphere, and now the atmosphere was broken. Atmosphere is extremely important for the earth. Without it, we can’t live. If people continuing to do such things to harm the earth. Someday, the earth will dead because of human. More and more trees were cut down and use for
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