Human Development Task 1 Paper

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Human Development Task 1 Cognitive Development is defined as the orderly changes by which mental processes become more complex and sophisticated (Slavin, 2009, p. 31). By understanding the way children grow and learn and the various stages of development, educators can tailor curriculum and activities to enhances and maximize learning and further development. Development is defined as “how people grow, adapt, and change over the course of their lifetimes, through physical development, personality development, social emotional development, cognitive development (thinking), and language development” (Slavin, 2009, p.31). Piaget was a biologist who became interested in psychology. In the beginning, he observed his three children to make…show more content…
While Piaget believed in the universal stages and set cognitive development within those stages, Vygotsky really placed a great deal of the responsibility for development on the culture to which the child is exposed, and he also placed a great amount of importance on social factors. (simplypsychology) Critics of Piaget feel that he greatly underestimated the effects of social factors on cognitive development. Research has refuted the claims by Piaget that his learning stages were fixed and that certain learning could not take place until a child reached that particular stage of development (Slavin, 2009, p.40) Through research, it is now widely accepted that children are more competent than Piaget deduced. Piaget also believed in self-initiated discovery while Vygotsky placed emphasis on social contributions to learning such as cooperative learning. Another main controversy is with Piaget’s broad grouping of the stages affecting cognitive tasks. A more accurate depiction of children’s development would be to state that “children’s skills develop in different ways on different tasks and that their experience can have a strong influence on the pace of development” (Slavin, 2009,
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