Huey Long. on the Waterfront

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“The belief that there only exists one singular definitive reality threatens the most vulnerable in society” A single idea has the power to govern society and shape the way we act and view the world. We are able to interpret certain ideas to suit our own agenda and use them to maintain control. Conversely, the manipulation of ones thoughts can become dangerous. At times, individuals can adapt and interpret dominant views in a way that will benefit their position. This is evident in history as well as in great literacy works. Huey Pierce Long (august 30, 1893 – September 10, 1935) served as the 40th Governor of Louisiana, as well as the United States senator (1932 – 1935). With his popular views of civil liberties Long promoted a society based on increased equality. Huey’s made his concepts a reality through the creation of the ‘Share our wealth’ program in 1933 with the inspiring motto "Every man a king, but no man wears a crown”, proposing new wealth redistribution measures in the form of a net asset tax on corporations and individuals to curb the poverty and homelessness endemic nationwide during the Great Depression. Long’s perception championed the rights of the “common man” through financial stimulation and federal spending on public works. By 1935 He had promoted and produced a plethora of roads, bridges, hospitals, schools, old age pensions, and as well as supplied free immunizations to nearly 70 percent of the population. The reality of Long’s projects had provided thousands of much needed jobs for a lower class culture, creating a “working class” society. Although immensely popular for his programs and willingness to take forceful action, "I used to try to get things done by saying 'please', now...I dynamite 'em out of my path.” Long’s open-minded philosophies were often misinterpreted. His argument “Every man a King” suggested that every person is equal
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