Huck Finn Research Paper

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In what ways can Huck Finn be called a portrait of America? What qualities/traits does Huck display that many people in society display? Huckleberry Finn can be known as one of the most controversial yet enticing novels of all time. It is a historic and monumental part of American history written by a brilliant man. Throughout history the issues of segregation and inequality have set us back but, Huckleberry Finn, the authentic American, steps out of his boundaries to truly represent the definition of being an American. Huck Finn can be called a portrait of America through the vividly shown struggle for equality. Huck displays many characteristics that people in society often display. He shows the hardships when dealing with mental and moral decisions, the rebellion against the expectations of society, and the feelings of loneliness in a place where there are so many people surrounding you. Huckleberry Finn reflects a portrait of America through the continued struggle for equality. Throughout the book the struggle for Huck to be equivalent to the other characters is seen but the more prominent concept of the struggle for equality is shown with Jim and the African American race. The portrait of America that is shown in this book is the commonly seen idea of a large group of people frowning upon a minority group yet; the minority group is doing what they can to benefit society as a whole. Claire Stocks says, “…it is possible to see Jim as a stereotype of the gullible slave, who easily and repeatedly falls for Huck’s tricks. And yet it is also clear that Jim uses each trick to his own advantage, to raise his status among the slaves, or to challenge Huck’s assumptions about his racial superiority.” Here Claire is saying that many people undermine the ability of people of other races and they don’t realize what they are capable of. When she says “Jim uses each trick

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