Hsc 2019 Essay

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Sue Letch BTEC Unit 8 Understand Health and Safety in Social Care Settings 1. Understand the different responsibilities relating to Health and safety In Social care Settings 1.1 List legislation relating to general health and safety in a social care setting * The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) * The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations (1999) * Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992) * Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations (1981 * Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR) (1995) * Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations (2002) 1.2 Describe the main points of health and safety policies and procedures When you start working in a health and safety setting, you sign a contract to agree to set ways of working. You follow certain standards to ensure the safety and security of individuals, staff members and visitors. Dealing with accidents, injuries and emergency situations (e.g. operating, reporting and recording procedures), first-aid situations (e.g. hygiene procedures, administering basic first aid if trained to do so, reporting and recording procedures), working conditions and the working environment (e.g. moving and handling procedures), use of equipment (e.g. regulations for using mechanical or electrical equipment) health care procedures (e.g. procedures for administering personal care), food handling and preparation (e.g. food hygiene regulations) infection control and dealing with hazardous substances (e.g. procedures for disposing of clinical waste) security and personal safety (e.g. procedures for personal security and safeguarding personal property). 1.3 Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of: * the social care worker * the employer or manager * individuals The Social Care Worker During the shift of a care worker

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