Hs401 Mental Health Essay

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HS401 Describe what you think is the most important health issue in the UK in 2014 Health Issue is a globalized subject. Mental health conditions happen to be one of the most important health issue in 2014 in the United Kingdom. " mental health is a state of wellbeing which an individual realises his or her own abilities can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully and able to make contribution to his or her own community." World Health Organisation. Mental health conditions include: anxiety, depression, addiction, personality disorder or eating disorder. Individuals are affected by this mental health conditions yearly in the United Kingdom. Depression is relatively one of the most common mental health conditions in the United Kingdom, according to the CEO of MQ Transforming Mental Health "Depression affects 1in 10 adults in any year and costing the United Kingdom economy £19 billion a year." individuals who suffers from these mental health disorders face challenges such as discrimination and stigma, this experience has prevented them from having accessibility to some certain things in the society. Example, finding a Job…show more content…
these include physical, social, environment and psychological causes. The physical factor is believe to be as a result of individual's misusing substances, such as drugs or alcohol or injury to the brain. Social and environmental factors suggest that living in poverty or social isolation, being unemployed can contribute to individual mental health. while psychological factor can be as a result of past traumatic experiences such as divorce or bereavement which can have a great influence on individual mental health. cultural background also has an influence on individual when it comes to mental health disorders, ethnic minority are believe to suffer more from mental health disorder, compared to other

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