Hr Questions Essay

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1 HR parlance, who are 'Whistle-Blowers'? Answer : Individuals who report unethical practices by their employers to outsiders. 2. Expand MPS, a scale used to measure the overall potential of workers' intrinsic motivation and used in the Job Diagnostic Survey developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham? Answer : Motivating Potential Score 3. How do we better know the employment agencies and executive recruiters who locate suitable candidates? Answer : Head hunters 4. What's the term used to describe an employee who is not tied to one country or company but moves around? Answer : Mobile worker 5. Name the Process of Certifying the competence of a person, an employee, in an area of capability? Answer : Accredition 6. What are "Blind Ads" in HR parlance? Answer : Recruitment advertisements that do not have the name or identity of the employer. 7. Boulwarism is a popular negotiation strategy. Who developed this concept? Answer : General Electric Company 8. We all familiar with Buyback of shares. But while managing people what is 'Buyback'? Answer : Buying back of a personnel, who attempts to resign, with an offer of increase in salary or wages and/or other benefits. 9. Who proposed the 'Equity Theory' in the year 1960? Answer : J Stacy Adams 10. What are 'Cafetaria Benefit Programs'? Answer : Flexible benefits that allow employees to select the frings benefits and services that satisfy their needs. 11. ASA Framework was developed by Ben Schneider, a researcher from University of Maryland, and used in selection of personalities. What does ASA stand for? Answer : Attraction - Selection - Attrition 12. What is known as the relationship between what a worker gets from the job and what he contributes to the job according to the Equity Theory? Answer : Outcome/Input Ratio 13. In Clayton Alderfer's ERG
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