How to Respond to Suspected or Alleged Abuse

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OUTCOME 1 KNOW HOW TO RECOGNISE SIGNS OF ABUSE DEFINE THE FOLLOWING TYPES OF ABUSE PHYSICAL ABUSE: Hitting, punching, kicking, scratching, pushing, burning, scalding or anything physical that can cause harm to another individual, over medicating, manual handling, undue restraint. A one off incident or regular occurrences. SYMPTOMS: Unexplained bruising or marks, hair loss, aggressive or quiet, loss of weight, flinching around a certain person, delay in medical treatment, eager to please, poor diet, poor hygiene, dehydration, frequent minor accidents without help, ulcers and bed sores due to lack of care for incontinence, frequent hopping from one GP to another. SEXUAL ABUSE Rape, grooming, inappropriate touching and or comments, non consented sexual activities, being made to watch sexual acts. Kissing, fondling. SYMPTOMS: Tearful/crying, depressed , quiet and or withdrawn, sleeping problems, eating problems, self harm, lack of confidence and low self esteem, difficulty walking or sitting, stained or bloodied bedding or underclothes, love bites, frequent bouts of cystitis. Demonstrating sexual acts that are not in the persons nature. EMOTIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL Bullying, belittling, name calling, over criticising, humiliation, controlling, deprived of basic rights. SYMPTOMS: Crying, depressed, change in sleeping patterns, eating problems, quiet, withdrawn, low self esteem, no confidence, weight loss, nervous or noticeable change of behaviour around certain person. FINANCIAL ABUSE Stealing, fraud, withholding money, borrowing money, pressurising an individual for money, or assets. SYMPTOMS: Lack of funds for everyday necessaties, unpaid bills, loss of money, large cash withdrawals with no evidence of anything being bought, unwillingness to participate in activities through lack of funds, certain possessions going missing, INSTITUTIONAL ABUSE
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