How to Be a Succesfull Student

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How to Be a Successful Student Successful students make a commitment to do what it takes to be successful. Many students new to college do not know what it takes to be successful in the college environment. They understand good and bad grades in a general way. They sense that they should attend classes, but that is where their knowledge begins and ends. Most successful students share many of the same study habits in college. Students will get good grades if they follow these three easy steps: set goals, interact and network with other students, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. The first step to being successful student is to set goals. Decide on which of your skills need work, and really focus on improving those skills. For example, your goal during first five weeks of school is to work on your note-taking skills. After note-taking, evaluate your improvement and decide your next goal. In addition, Goals don’t necessarily have to be big ones. When you put your goal too high, you might find it too overwhelming and time consuming and just give up. In that case, knowing your goals makes it much more likely to attain them. The second step to being successful student is to interact and network with other students. Successful students develop friendships and support groups with their classmates. You trade Piol 2 phone numbers so you can get together to study or get missed assignments and lecture notes. Moreover, be open to learning from other students. For example, when a classmate receives an A paper, ask to see it. This will give you an example of what the professor is looking for and you can apply this knowledge to future assignments or tests. Interacting and networking with other students will help you to make comfortable with others are doing your paperwork. The third step to being successful students is to request for help if you ever

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