How The Bolsheviks Were Able To Maintain Power

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To begin with, before 1917, the Bolsheviks had spent their time planning for revolution. In spring 1917, the Bolsheviks seemed to be the most unlikely group to overthrow the Provisional Government. The Bolsheviks had claimed that they were acting on behalf of the Soviet who had shared political power with the government. The Bolshevik control of the MRC gave them the majority of their victory in the October Revolution. Once the Bolsheviks had come to power, it had announced two measures for the economic policy. The first measure was known as the ‘Decree on Land’ and the second was the ‘Decree on Workers’ Control’, both of which had been issued in November 1917. The ‘Decree on Land’:- This decree enabled the Bolshevik approval to what had happened in the countryside in the February Revolution. This was when peasants had overthrown their landlords and had taken their property. However, Lenin had accepted that this was due to the slogan which he had adopted which was ‘Land to the Peasants.’ The ‘Decree on Workers’ Control’:- During 1917, there were a large number of factories which had been taken over by the workers. The decree accepted the takeover of the workers but did also instruct the workers committees to maintain ‘the strictest order and discipline’ within the workplace. Vesenkha:- Body to oversee economic development Creation of the Cheka, 1917:- Lenin was determined to impose absolute Bolshevik rule by suppressing of all political opposition. The October coup of the Cheka enables the Bolsheviks to deal with their opponents. Attitudes amongst Bolsheviks towards the war:- Some wanted the continuation of a revolutionary war against Germany whereas on the other hand, other people wanted an immediate peace to lessen the strains that were upon Russia. Lenin:- Lenin took a realistic stance and accepted the fact that Russia would not be
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