How Texting Affects Kids

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Texting does make student’s writing greatly. Most students who are frequent texters use shortcuts for texting like “XLNT” and “thN”. If they use these terms and much more a lot, they will start to write like that. It also ruins the students spelling sense because when a student texts they might use “cnt” instead of “can’t”. Texting brings hazardous habits to students writing. Most people that text frequently don’t use punctuation marks. They forget the use of ‘s, s, and s’ because they don’t use them. This affects their writing in high school papers, class exams, and even state exams. Texters often don’t acknowledge the proper uses of ‘s, s’, and s and use them improperly in their writing. Writing is starting to be more popular for students and statistics show that student now and writing more than students in the past have. Also students forget the proper use of periods and commas. Fifty percent of teens say that they sometimes use informal writing styles instead of proper capitalization and punctuation in their school assignments. When students send texts, they don’t use periods because they forget or don’t think they need them. This mistake can lead to students leaving out period in sentences in writing which taint the normal writing seen. Also, the uses of commas are completely exempt from text messages which make them absent in their writing. Without commas you just have one big run-on sentence that many kids write now because of text messages. These simple rules that conduct a proper sentence are ignored because students are used to not using them in text messages. Texting is harming written English amongst adolescents and it is giving bad habits. Students start to use abbreviations like “LOL” and “SMH” in their writing thinking that it is ok but it isn’t. Students start to miss punctuations when needed and aren’t doing basic things like

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