How Students Can Study Better In College

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How Students Can Study Better in College Many students have problems adjusting to college after high school. Often students who have sailed through their secondary education experience the most serious problems. At college, a lot of difficult material is presented in a short space of time, meaning that students must learn quickly. The most effective ways that students can better study in college are attending class and actively participating, making use of tutoring, and developing good study skills. Students who attend class are more likely to succeed than those who do not attend. Usually, professors test on what is discussed in class as well as grade for attendance and participation. In class, students can engage in collaborative activities and gain points for participations, discussion or attendance. However, by not attending class, they can miss out on valuable information needed to do well in class or they can lose out on opportunities to learn from peers. In class, the professor often goes over an assignment that was not well understood by some students. He can explain or clarify until everyone understands that assignment. Students make use of tutoring to overcome academic difficulties. Tutors don’t only help students to register for classes but they also help students by supplementing class instruction and by clarifying assignments. According to the CCBC Essex Student Success Center, “The goal of tutoring is to provide individualized assistance that enables you to develop academic mastery and independence.”(Make Tutoring Work for You). For example, teaching provides students new information and tutoring helps learners master that information by providing alternate explanations, techniques and examples. Tutors often offer more individualized, systematic and structured learning experiences. They also help students to improve

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