How Soccer Changed My Life

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It’s a hot summer afternoon in August and there are hundreds of college students unloading their belongings and carting them off to their dorms. One girl has already spotted her friends and is having them help her move her things. That same girl has managed to shuffle her lofts around in her dorm enough to fit a couch. No one in that entire dorm housing was able to fit in a couch. This girl, this student is none other than my older sister, Beyonce. She is my only sibling and has just moved away to a Michigan University dorm. Lately, she has taken up more of my time than usual, which has made me more stressed recently. So in my spare time I try to escape into the things that I love. My sister is not the easiest person for me to get along with. High school was her golden years. She is known by her school as a kind, responsible, good…show more content…
I’ve been playing travel soccer for eight years now. This will be my ninth year. I have always put lots of effort into soccer and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I’ve played for many clubs now and I have started for each one. Soccer is a big commitment and has taken up much of my time. Between practices, games, private training and exercising I don’t really have time for much other than homework. It’s a helpful distraction and a very important part of my life. Other than soccer a very important aspect of me is my love of art. My favorite has always been drawing and sculpture with clay. However in seventh grade I made my first painting, and from then on it’s been nothing but me and the canvas. I love the smell of oil paint. I love mixing it with my palette knife. I also love getting lost in the brushstrokes with the aid of my music. However the best part about painting is the overall sense of pride I feel when I finish a painting. It’s the same feeling I get when I score the winning goal or get an A on a quiz. These “hobbies” of mine have become my way of releasing my

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