How My Optimism Helps Me Overcome My Obstacles

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“How My Optimism Helps Me Overcome Obstacles” How would you define optimism? Optimism means many things to me. It is the belief that good ultimately dominates evil in the world. Optimism is a positive charge that urges you to keep moving forward and to never give up in anything you do. It is also the thing that gets me out of bed in the morning! Components of optimism include confidence, happiness, and cheerfulness. Those factors all come together to form one main idea, which is slowly becoming a better person each day using that one word that we call optimism. In my opinion, optimism is like a boxing match because if you fall down, you just have to get back up and keep trying. Overall, optimism is all about being open minded, having a good attitude, and having leadership. I would definitely want to be someone that comes to mind when you here the word optimism just like Helen Keller is. Helen Keller is a definite role model of optimism. Even though she became blind and deaf at a very young age, she used optimism to overcome her obstacles. Her confidence enabled her to show people that she was just as normal as everyone else. As you can see, she is a role model for all people. Her optimism showed the world that someone just like her can go out and make a huge difference. Now I am pretty sure all of us have had at least one big obstacle that we have had to overcome. One of those obstacles for me was when my grandpa had gotten diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor said he had a very slim chance of surviving. This really made me scared but I knew that I had to have optimism as well hope. I prayed for him everyday and stayed positive. I knew that my grandpa needed all the support he could get so I just had to have optimism to reassure him that everything would turn out fine in the long run. After a long period of time, he finally got better.

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