How Is Character and Voice Created in the Horse Whisperer?

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“The Horse Whisperer” is told through a first person narrative, and tells the story of a horse whisperer’s fall from grace; from a revered and much needed citizen to an ostracized and exiled “witch”, who becomes hounded for his “gifts” by the community. The poem is told with a reflective tone; the persona has an on going sense of grief and longing for his former glory, which eventually turns into vengeance. There is ambiguity to whether the persona is male or female, as there is absent information regarding who the whisper is, overall suggesting the persona speaks for whisperers everywhere. However we can presume the persona is male, as whispering was a predominantly male occupation. The poem is a free verse composition however Forster manipulates the form. It takes the form of five stanzas, each decreasing in length by one line and eventually by two in the last stanza. This subtle and gradual decrease possibly echoes the whisperer’s fall from grace; as he loses power the voice “quietens” as the poem moves from the past to the present. Furthermore each stanza reflects different aspects of the narrative; from fond reminiscence to vengeance, highlighting the personal journey the whisper has been through and the sense of storytelling within the poem. The first stanza begins by the whisperer describing how “they shouted” for him at first- the impersonal and almost hostile use of “they” suggests the whisperer has little care for who the villagers were and the term “shouted” emphasizes a sense of urgency showing how vital he was to the community. The poem is told in the past tense, however Forster uses sensory techniques to bring to life the whisperer’s memories. For example he recalls how the horses “snorted” and the tissue the used was “scented with rosemary, cinnamon”, overall brining his former occupation to life and emphasizes a sense of longing for his past.
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