What Are Important Techniques Used In Joseph Goebbels

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Joseph Goebbels was born in 1897. He was born in the Rhineland and he went to Heidberg University. Whilst he was there he received a doctorate of philosophy in 1920. In 1924 Goebbels joined the nazi party – his first task was to increase the support for Nazis in Berlin. Goebbels was made Minister of Enlightenment and Propaganda when Hitler was appointed chancellor in 1933. Goebbels stayed as this under he died in 1945. Goebbels used highly effective means of propaganda, when delivering it to the public. He used ideas such as posters, slogans, films and most importantly, the Nuremburg trial which takes place annually. These types of propaganda showed people how great life would be under the power of Hitler and the nazi party. The techniques used were a very good way of putting the point across even though the message was hidden and quite subtle. Another job Goebbels took control of was altering Hitler’s speeches so that he could come across as more superior. For example Goebbels would adjust a speech according to what the people that Hitler was speaking to wanted. This was a very valuable thing to do because it meant that every idea Hitler put across it would appear to be a good choice. Eventually this led to success for the Nazis as it got the German people in a personal way, which made them, trust the Nazi population.…show more content…
Even in difficult time like the great depression, Goebbels made sure the Nazis always looked like the strongest party so the people could keep their belief in them. As well as this – a lot of people already didn’t like the other parties so that made them turn for the Nazis straight
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