How Important Was the Role Played by Hitler Compared to the Great Depression in Making the Nazis Come to Power in January 1933?

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Hitler and the Great Depression were both important factors for the Nazis coming into power. This question has been debated by historians for decades, making it vital to establish a clear answer. The role of Hitler is often overlooked as people believe that the Great Depression takes precedence. However, although the depression was a catalyst, Hitler’s oratory skill and plans to eliminate competition cemented his position in power. Hitler’s demagogue personality and the successful spreading of pro-Nazi propaganda cannot be forgotten even though the depression was also of paramount importance. Hitler’s success came mostly from his propaganda, promising “work, freedom and bread” to the masses. Posters like Source 9 show Hitler as the only solution to the German crisis. It also highlights one of his main successful strategies which is to capitalise on the emotions of the population who were feeling hopeless. However, this source is published by the Nazis in the lead up to the 1932 elections, most likely being bias. It’s also important to note that it’s a typical Nazi source, glorifying Hitler and depicting the average German family as struggling and brave, pleading to get out of the inherited disaster left by the Weimar Government. Not only did Hitler capitalise on the economic problems, he was successful in highlighting the faults of the treaty of Versailles. Source 11 introduces Hitler as a hypnotist by describing his words “like a whip”. Karl Ludecke stated that he was ready to attack any enemy, proving that Hitler’s words created a “hypnotic spell by the sheer force of his beliefs”. However, it is important to note that such a prominent and loyal Nazi like Ludecke is likely to be bias when talking about Hitler’s success. Just like source 9, this source is a typical form of Nazi propaganda. Hitler appeared successfully to the masses as a unique individual with a

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