How Important Was The Formation Of The Red Army As

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How important was the formation of the Red Army as a reason for Red success during the Civil War? After the Bolsheviks crush of the Constitutes Assembly in January 1918 and the disputes with other parties showed that they were not prepared to share power. This leads to the Civil War. There were three army - the Red, the White and the Green army. The Red was the Bolsheviks. The white army were the anti-Bolsheviks and the Green Army were national minorities fighting for independence. The formation of the Red Army was important as reason for the Red success during the Civil War, but there are other reason like leadership of Lenin and Trotsky, shared ideology, control of industrial areas, railways ect , divided leadership of the Whites, war communism and cruelty of Whites forced in areas they controlled. The formation of the Red Army was a crucial factor for the Red success. They conscripted men in areas they controlled. It then turned into a formidable army of 3 million men and this army was trained by ex-tsarists officers. So they can have an experience army to lead into battlefield. The ex-tsarists officers’ family were held hostages so they can’t betray them in any way. This was good because it meant that they always had officers leading the troop. The Red army had a tight discipline like having a death penalty for desertion and disloyalty. The brutal discipline means by which they imposed power and they are the stronger ones. So the formation of the Red army was a crucial reason for the Red success because they showed that their one who has the power and they are stronger as well. The leadership of Lenin and Trotsky was also another reason for Red success in the war. Lenin uses out of work people and put them to use in the army. He is using every one in his areas to play a part in the Civil war so no one is doing anything in the time of the war. He also created
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