How Globalisation Has Impacted On The Nature And f

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How globalisation has impacted on the nature and functions of modern liberal democracies? Introduction In this day and age, people enjoy various global sharing resources, and also what is the main contribution of globalisation. Globalisation is a word which is known to every household, which covers all aspects of human life, such as economic, culture, and politics. As the dominant form of modern political system, modern liberal democracy has also impacted by the progress of globalisation, and also has already influence countries which are illiberal democracy in the worldwide range. This essay will illustrate what the term of globalisation is, what the term of modern liberal democracy is and how globalisation has impacted on the nature and functions of modern liberal democracies, furthermore take China as an example to illustrate how globalisation impact on the nature and functions of modern liberal democracies. What is globalization? Globalisation is a word become popular in recent years. First of all, globalisation is a process, during this process people interact and integrate as a whole it has impacts on economic development and prosperity, on cultural, also on political systems all over the world (, n.d.). During this internationalised process, we can enjoy news, films, food, and culture among different countries all over the world. The process of globalisation has promoted mutual understanding to other countries and cultures which are developing in different background. More specific, the process of globalisation firstly derived from the international trade and, among this global economic progress the Eastern and Western worlds impact each other on all aspects of human life and the world system, just as Angermüller etc (2004) illustrates that globalisastion is a progress which is a fact and continuous, it is celebrated by neo-liberal
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