How Far Is the Dramatic Presentation of Gellburg and Sylvia

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Gellburg’s response to Slyvia’s outburst is not evidently displayed through speech, but through the use of Miller’s stage directions: ‘He is stock still; horrified, fearful’. The words ‘horrified’ and ‘fearful’ suggest that the news of such events came as a shock to him and undoubtedly indicate that he is affected by such news and is also stricken by Sylvia’s powerful, unexpected revelation of her feelings. Miller conveys the message that that Gellburg finally comes to understand his ignorant attitude as one that has led to his self-denial and self-hatred. It later becomes clear in the play that Gellburg is suppressing an important part of who he is, and in scene eleven, he confesses to a bottled-up desire of ‘going and sitting in the Schul with the old men and pulling the tallis over my head’. Sylvia, in her frustration with Gellburg, says ‘Don’t sleep with me again’ in a rather commanding manner. The use of the negative imperative don’t’ gives the audience the sense that Sylvia is finally taking authority - not just over Gellburg, but over herself and over her life. Gellburg, in response to Sylvia’s belittling, cold-heartedness, exclaims: ‘Sylvia, you will kill me if we can’t be together’. Miller introduces elements of foreshadowing and tragic irony, as in scene nine; Gellburg does indeed have a heart attack and becomes severely ill. Gellburg also becomes increasingly emotional in return to Sylvia’s heartless, insensitive statements as is shown in the stage directions when he is ‘beginning to weep’. The portrayal of Gellburg in this scene is a complete contrast to the Gellburg exposed in scene two when he with ‘immense difficulty’ utters ‘I love you’ to Sylvia. The drastic change in Gellburg’s attitude reveals to the audience that he is finally attempting to restore damaged aspects of his and Sylvia’s marriage. Gellburg is frequently evasive or misleading about

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