How Far Do the Sources Suggest That Genuine Concern for the State of Religion Lay Behind Cromwell’s Visitations?

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How far do the sources suggest that genuine concern for the state of religion lay behind Cromwell’s visitations? To begin with, Source 1 suggests that the concern for the state of religion was a significant reason for the visitations. This letter written by Richard Layton, a Royal Commissioner, claims that ‘the King intends reformation and correction of religion’. This clearly suggests that the visitations occurred in order to improve and cleanse the religious system. This is then reinforced by Source 2, written by Edward Lee, the Archbishop of York, which says that ‘all ecclesiastical persons should preach the sincere Word of God’. These two sources reference genuine worry concerning the possible danger of the religious system and combine together to suggest that this reason was a legitimate one for the visitations. When talking about reliability, it must be noticed that the first source was written by a Royal Commissioner. These were the people sent by Cromwell to perform the visitations; therefore they would have not spoken negatively of the situation. It can be interpreted that because this is a letter from Layton to Cromwell, the messaged could very well have contained the absolute and confidential truth; by this I mean any underlying truths that were kept from the public eye could have been mentioned in this letter because it was between Cromwell and his Commissioner. In my opinion, this would make the source more reliable because nothing really is left unsaid. However, because of there being confidentiality, in Source 1, Layton dictates that ‘There can be no better way to beat the King’s authority into the heads of the common people in the North, that to show them that...’ and follows to talk about genuine concern. Not only does this suggest surrounding reasons for the visitations, it also completely undermines the reason suggested by the question. The

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