How Far and in What Ways Do You Agree with This View of the Ending of Jane Eyre?

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‘Jane gains happiness but sacrifices her independence’ How far and in what ways do you agree with this view of the ending of Jane Eyre? As this novel comes to an end it is inevitable that Jane, the heroine, although a slightly unconventional one, marries Mr. Rochester, the Bryonic Hero. The novel concludes with Jane finally reaching happiness after the long and difficult journey she has endured. However in some ways she loses parts of her independence but the little amount she does lose is outweighed by the great love and happiness she feels. A modern audience may perceive Jane marrying a disabled Mr. Rochester means the loss of her independence. However the Victorian context of this novel illuminates the normality of a wife committing and obeying her husband. When Jane marries Mr. Rochester she commits to to being “(his) neighbour, (his) nurse, (his) housekeeper”. This indicates complete devotion to Mr. Rochester; putting herself in the position of his “housekeeper” immediately rejects all independence she recently inherited. Jane’s new wealth, due to her uncle’s death, allows Jane to be truly independent, “I am independent, sir, as well as rich: I am my own mistress”. Although Jane attempts to be independent earlier in the novel, it is always impossible due to her economic disadvantage. She strives to have freedom in her relationship with Edward Rochester and through her feminist power gains her some freedom, his economic dominance always hindered her liberty. This idea was expressed by Bronte through slave imagery. Jane was a slave to her profession and class, “governess slavery”, and was discriminated against by Rochester’s wealthy friends. Jane was also a slave to Rochester who had economic superiority over and would drown her in luxuries, “I will my self put the diamond chain round your neck...for nature, at least, has stamped her patent of nobility on

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