How Does The Bill Of Rights Affect Our Life

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The bills of rights affect every American life in many different ways. The first ten amendments written by our forefathers were created to set limitations on the power of the United States government protecting our rights of liberty and property. As an American citizen I am given the privilege of freedom, liberty, and equality as well as all American citizens. The bills establishes each American their rights and duties as one nation and that we are all to be treated equally. By giving you the divine rights that most people around the world lack to have you will see that we have a great advantage to express ourselves in many different ways. The constitution and the bill of rights are there to protect everyone equally as individuals, as a minority of one. The people’s rights are mostly contained in the first Amendment of the constitution.…show more content…
The first amendment grants us to express our thoughts and beliefs in a free society unlike most third class and communist countries. The first amendment includes the following rights; freedom of assembly, freedom of press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of petition. In so many countries freedom of speech is banned, without the first amendment one would fear to even protest because they could easily be silenced, religious groups could be victimized, and citizens could not mobilize for or against social change. We wake up every day and practice these rights without even acknowledging it. We have a right to say and do what we like as long as we are obeying federal and state
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